Monday, July 09, 2007

Da Word... 197! Pleasing Pops

Good Morning!

Hope your 4th of July was maaaaaaaad explosive! It was pretty dope here in Boston. TRU! Did you peep the movie Transformers yet? If not... what are you waiting for!? It's AWESOME. Aight, on to, da Word!


And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
- Hebrews 11:6

Chapter 11 of Hebrews takes the term "by faith" and REALLY hammers it in. I mean, yoooo, by the end of this chapter you have a pretty good handle on almost every angle and perspective "by faith" represents replete with tons of historical examples of reppin' people and events. This verse right here speaks to the possibility of pleasin' Pops. How can we come to please the creator of the universe? I mean fa real, he created the universe! How can we possibly please Pops above? By faith ;-D

So what does that mean? There are two key phrases in this verse that break it down. First, any kat comin' to Pops must "believe that he exists." I mean come on, that's just practical. In general, one cannot please someone he or she does not believe to exist... especially in this case. Why? Cuz Pops calls us to a high standard that is TOUGH to meet. Now imagine trying to meet it if you lose the HIGHLY motivating factor that is Pops' existence. It's a little easier when you can say with conviction, "Cross the creator of the universe... what are you, CRAZY!?"

The second thing is that we gots to earnestly seek him. There are plenty of peeps who act like or say that they are seeking Pops. But the percentage those who are real and earnest about it are few. Faith is no joke. It ain't no walk in the park. It takes belief in the existence of a being you can't see or touch and a level of seeking that cannot be derailed. But when one holds these two keys, Pops above is pleased. And guess what? BAM!!!! Pops opens up the floodgates of unimaginable blessing in every form: knowledge, wisdom, character, joy, peace.... endless yo! You can't stop the blessings!

Believe He exists and earnestly seek Him. Pops will not fail you. He will return to you in measure as you believe and seek... and then some. He will show you beyond the shadow of any doubt who He is.


- patrick

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