Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Da Word... 150!

Good Morning!!!!

I missed last week, doh!  Things have been kinda hectic, but no worries ;-D  heh heh.  Weather is getting nice too.  Summer is here and the city has come alive with tons of events, festivals, food, da whole nine.... it's AWESOME!  How about your neck of the woods?  Aight, on to... da Word!


These have come so that your faith -- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire -- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
- Peter (1 Peter 1:7)

BAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!!   What am I bamming about?  The fact that hardship, though tough, works in our favor, hah hah!  That's mad counterintuitive ain't it?  How can hardship work in our favor?  I mean, hardship is far from being the number one desired morsel on anyone's plate.... ANYONE.  But you see, the thing about hardship is it tests our very resolve.  It tests the stuff that we think we are made of.  It tests our apparent limits.  It makes us genuine.  BAM, there it is right there.  You want to be strong?  Ya gots to be tested.   In any part of life, to gain strength, that part must be tested. 

Now Peter is talking about faith here, cuz back in the day the suffering and persecution of the early followers was beyond huge.  It would have been E to the Z to just up and quit.  But Peter is encouraging peeps to stay strong, to remain in the race.  Why?  Because that faith is of greater worth than gold.  Not only that... gold, despite the fact that it can resist flames, perishes!  BUT.... faith... faith will not perish.  All these hardships and sufferings that just kept droppin' a mega whuppin' on these peeps came so that their faith can be proved genuine.  So that it can be made UBER strong, rendered practically indestructible, and causing peeps to put their trust fully in Pops above.... and then kick back and watch Pops above go to work, YEAH!!!! 

So what's the take away?  Embrace hardship bruthaz and sistaz, and change the perspective from which you look at it.  Think of hardship as an opportunity to build you up into this near indomitable being both because your resolve is built up AND your trust in Pops will grow by leaps and BOUNDS kid!!!!  Almost anything worth having requires some struggle.  But once attained, it is def more precious to you than all those things that have come easy.  It is deeply more appreciated.  And, you will fight all the harder to ensure you never lose it.

Aight peeps, gotta bounce.  PeACE!


  - patrick

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