Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Da Word... 145!

Hey hey!

Good afternoon!  Hope your day was ILL!  It was NICE outside today people.  Not a cloud in the sky, a nice breeze, and a great sun shining its rays on down.  All the spring colors are coming out too!  Straight BEAUTIFUL!  TRU!  Aaaand my apartment has got a packed fridge!? heh heh, YEAH!  Aight, on to... da Word!


A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
- Solomon (Proverbs 25:11)

That's got a nice ring to it eh?  "Like apples of gold in settings of silver" -- wooo!  Like you're livin' la vida, "YO!  I'm SET dawg!  I am well taken care of kid, uh huh!"  This piece was written by Solomon before he flipped a switch and went straight crazy.  N e who, that proverb right there makes good sense.  If you can lace together words that fit a situation like a glove... BAM!  They will seem like the heavens are opening up and pouring out mad blessings upon the recipient.

I mean, think about it, how many times has someone said sumtim to ya that so aptly, appropriately, suitably, or pertinently fit your situation that you were just STUNNED and taken aback?  You might have been like, "whoa... yeah....yeeeaah....YEAAAAH!  that's right! that's so it potna.  Da light bulb just went on full and I can hear angels singing!"   heh, but yeah, how did you feel about it?  And what happened as a result?

So how can we increase our aptly spoken word skillz?  Here's one thing that'll be able to boost that skill about ten-twenty fold... you ready for it?  One word... listen.  Yeah that's right!  Listening potnas!  A whole new world will be opened once we stop for a second, and just listen.  You won't believe how much clearer things will get, trust me!  hah hah.  By listening, we can get a better picture of what's going on.  It's almost the Z potnas, I'm tellin you, to then bust out with an apt word so SIC.... its like "apples of gold in settings of silver."  You'll be straight floorin' kats left and right!  ...once you have context.  

And you know what's the best thing about it?  The benefits that arise as a result are two-way!  Both the receiver and the speaker get sumtim good out of it.   Both get uplifted, situations are made clearer, and doors of opportunity start blasting open left and right.  So, bruthaz and sistaz, let's work on our ability to dish out apt words in any myriad of situations, from relationships to business, and everything inbetween.  word.


  - patrick

ps - i should mention, sometimes an apt word STINGS.... but since it's apt, the receiver will eventually see its true merits, and again, "apples of gold in settings of silver" take there place.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Da Word... 144!


Good afternoon potnas!  How was your Easter?  I hope it was the bomb.  I had a fantastic meal in Long Island.  I'm talkin' biscuits, lasagna, leg of lamb, mashed potatoes, POUND CAKE (MMMM!!!), it was awesome.  And I got to spend it with a family so tight that they instinctually worked together to bring a crying child to instant laughter.  It was so fluid and effortless, it looked like it was planned.  The amazing thing is that it WASN'T!  They were so in tune with each other that it just happened.  It was amazing.  In other news, has launched!  Not quite where I want it yet, but BOOM!  You should be getting these direct from that now ;-D.  Peep it!  Aight, on to... da Word!


If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.
- 1 John 1:6

Ain't that da truth!  Say it again brutha!  We can't have both, that's ludicrous potnas!  I mean, think how silly it is to say, "Yo check this kid!  I can breathe IN and OUT...... ALL AT THE SAME TIME SON!!!!  check it check it!"  No no no NO!  Of course you can't, it's an impossibility.  Nor can you use your bicep and tricep at the same time to both curl and extend.... they are opposing muscles!  It's either one or the other potnas, that's it.  In this same way, yoooo, we can't claim to have fellowship with Pops above AND walk in the darkness!  We are either one, or the other.  Bottom line kid!  Why can't we do both?  Da previous verse gives us a glimpse, "God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."   BAM. 

So if we are doing both, what are we actually doing?  Simple... straight pullin' the biggest lie of them all that's what!  If we are doing both, we actually are ONLY walking in the darkness.  Now, this bad enough.  I mean, lying to our very selves, contradicting our own minds and souls and bodies?  Sounds like a kat whose GOT to be locked up in an asylum or sumtim, heh heh.  But why is this action exceptionally bad?  Well.... we end up causing OTHER people to stumble.  THAT... potnas, is not kool.  Misleading someone so that they end up heading up the path destruction... whoa... whoa.... that is straight evil kid.  I don't know about you, but I definitely don't want to be fooling myself, and I MOST DEFINITELY do not want to be the cause of someone else's utter  hardship, demise, or destruction.  I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, no doubt.

Let's not attempt to both walk in light and walk in darkness, cuz it can't be done.  Let's be real and keep it real.  Life will become a lot less complex, trust me ;-D  PeACE!


  - patrick

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Da Word... 143!

Hey hey!

What up all? How things goin'? Well I hope. Weather is gettin' NICE! TRUUUUU! We are startin' to see color in the vegetation up in here. Definitely breathtakin', no doubt! Aight, on to.... da Word!


"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling."
- Peter ( 1 Peter 4:9 )

One of my man J's inner circle of 3, Peter the so-called rock, re-instated badmammajamma of an apostle, spits it plain and simple, "Grumblin' is WACK kid. Kick that garbage to the curb potna!" No doubt! What purpose is there in offering hospitality to a brutha or a sista with ill vibes in your heart? The act of hospitality diminishes in value with a QUICKNESS when our intent behind it is far from altruistic. In other words, if we ain't cookin' up some grub for a brutha or a sista, providin' a place to just kick it and relax, or straight servin' up some ice cold lemonade with a heart of givin', then our so-called "good deed" is da pits son! Straight worthless.

The two words, "grumbling" and "hospitality" shouldn't even be in the same sentence! They don't go together -- not in the slightest! Naw potnas, let's not grumble when we do an act of kindness, especially with a brutha or a sista. Let's be tru to ourselves, to our souls, and to our friends. You want relationships that are strong, deep, and real? Then be real and tru, be loving, and be joyous in being selfless. I promise ya, your state of being will be elevated to the next level. Cuz then you begin to catch what my man J was spittin' and livin' and you start experiencin' the depth of life Pops above so desires for each and every one of us to have.

Aight potnas, gotta bounce! PeACE!


- patrick