11 The Lord told him, "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight."
- Acts 9:11,12
This is like... a MAJOR, "Say WHAT!?!?!?!!!!" moment for our pal Ananias here. If you don't know the back story, I encourage you to read up on it starting at Acts 7:54. Saul was a VERY SCARY dude to any person who claimed to be of "The Way".... a Christ follower. In short, Saul was like a straight vamp out for blood, trackin' these Christ followers down like succulent prey and eliminating them. By the way... Saul was the name of the great new testament badmammajamma, Paul, before he turned!
Now back to the matter at hand, Ananias was like, "Yo Pops, you must be straight crazy. You are askin' me to go into the belly of the beast here man! I mean come on Pops, Saul!? Saul IS the boogey man... MAN!" Ahh but you see my bruthaz and sistaz, Pops had already begun a work in Saul. Homeboy was no longer the boogey man, Ananias just didn't know it yet.
So what's the point? There's a lot to be grasped here, but the bit of knowledge hitting me right now is the fact that Pops has already got everything under control. We only need to trust him. I mean come on!? Fa real, if you can't trust Pops, who can you trust? We gots to trust Pops cuz thre ain't NO ONE able to take Pops on! It's straight ludicrous! As a result we have NOTHING to fear! Zero! NADA! Zilch holmes. That's right potnas.
So when Pops tells you to head into the belly of the beast, head there in a full sprint! Do not let your human emotions of doubt, fear, and uncertainty deter you or slow you down! See, what is waiting for you at that most fearsome a place, that situation you are most scared of, is a dang SWEEEEEEEET blessing Pops is about to bestow upon you. Don't miss it because of your own limits! Rest assured on Pops because Homie has no limits! As a result, He can take you places you've never dreamed.....
Pops has already paved the way, you only need to take the step.
- patrick
This is like... a MAJOR, "Say WHAT!?!?!?!!!!" moment for our pal Ananias here. If you don't know the back story, I encourage you to read up on it starting at Acts 7:54. Saul was a VERY SCARY dude to any person who claimed to be of "The Way".... a Christ follower. In short, Saul was like a straight vamp out for blood, trackin' these Christ followers down like succulent prey and eliminating them. By the way... Saul was the name of the great new testament badmammajamma, Paul, before he turned!
Now back to the matter at hand, Ananias was like, "Yo Pops, you must be straight crazy. You are askin' me to go into the belly of the beast here man! I mean come on Pops, Saul!? Saul IS the boogey man... MAN!" Ahh but you see my bruthaz and sistaz, Pops had already begun a work in Saul. Homeboy was no longer the boogey man, Ananias just didn't know it yet.
So what's the point? There's a lot to be grasped here, but the bit of knowledge hitting me right now is the fact that Pops has already got everything under control. We only need to trust him. I mean come on!? Fa real, if you can't trust Pops, who can you trust? We gots to trust Pops cuz thre ain't NO ONE able to take Pops on! It's straight ludicrous! As a result we have NOTHING to fear! Zero! NADA! Zilch holmes. That's right potnas.
So when Pops tells you to head into the belly of the beast, head there in a full sprint! Do not let your human emotions of doubt, fear, and uncertainty deter you or slow you down! See, what is waiting for you at that most fearsome a place, that situation you are most scared of, is a dang SWEEEEEEEET blessing Pops is about to bestow upon you. Don't miss it because of your own limits! Rest assured on Pops because Homie has no limits! As a result, He can take you places you've never dreamed.....
Pops has already paved the way, you only need to take the step.
- patrick