Monday, December 03, 2007

Da Word... 206! Love a potna!

What's uuuup!  It's been about two weeks brethren and sistren, heh heh.  Been kinda crazy over here, s'all good though!  I hope that all of your Thansgiving celebrations were the BOMB!  And that black friday wasn't too scary ;P  I scored some SIC deals that day, oh yeah!  Can you believe that it is already December?  aight, on to... da Word!


34 "A new command I give you:  Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
- Da Christ (John 13:34,35)

Word.  This has been a recurring theme in the past month or two, and especially in the past two weeks.  Funny how these themes come in all directions too!  But you know what, this is a FANTASTIC command.  Actually, it is WAAAAAY beyond fantastic.  Matter of fact, there are no words to describe it.  The command is simple... love one another.  But yoooo... it is so hard to implement!  As if that weren't tough enough, my man J adds to love one another as HE himself loved his disciples, and loves us.  DUUUUUDE!   Are you serious?  We are to love to that extent!?  Yes my friends ;D  YES!

If we love like Pops, bruthaz and sistaz we will burst open the doors of a higher level of existence.  We'll be experiencing life in fantastic, indescribable ways. Why?  Cuz loving like Pops is lovin' unconditionally.  Do you know what that means?  It means no matter how someone may reciprocate, you still gotta love them and demonstrate that love.  Yes people, even if that person does not return that love to you in a way that is commensurate, you still gotta love.  It ain't a point system!  If that person treats you bad, you still gotta show love.  If a person betrays your love... guess what?  You STILL gotta show love! 

The bottom line is this: Love, genuine love, cannot be throttled back!  It cannot be chained; it cannot be conditional.  Because if it is, then that love becomes selfish and self-serving... and thus is not love all!  Love, by definition, is something you GIVE to another!   Do you think my man J throttled back his love?  NO WAY!  And you already know how bad that homie was treated, back-stabbed, and betrayed.  But through it all he still showed unbridled love.

Homies, if you can love like that, you will attain a level of life people only dream of... because nothing will phase you!  You will know and understand that you are ultimately loved and backed by Pops himself!  And so ANYTHING that this world dishes out at you is BEANS kid!  Cuz Pops, heh heh, Pops has your back and that homie will never stop lovin' you, supporting you, and bringing the ruckus with you.  That means you can go ahead and shower love on one another without restraint!  It takes MAD courage, heart, and might to do that.  It ain't for the weak of heart, it ain't for panzies.  That's right, only the truly strong can love like this, cuz it ain't no walk in the park!  It takes fortitude!  And guess what?  You CAN'T do it without Pops backing you up! 

So what do you gotta do?  Tap into Pops bruthaz and sistaz.  Tap into his infinite well, and then start pouring it out amongst one another.  If you love like this, your entire outlook on life will be radically transformed.  You'll know what it really is to live.  And you'll know what it really is to love.  That's a beautiful thing, because MANY will go through life and never achieve it or experience it.   Don't let that happen to you!  Roll up them sleeves and get ready to dig in!  It will be an endeavor you will never regret!  Your journey and transformation will inspire others to reach for the same!  Imagine a place... where everyone loved unconditionally... make it a reality.


   - patrick

ps - hey!  sometimes we all just need a reminder.... love one another kid, love one another

Monday, November 19, 2007

Da Word... 205! Confidence

Morning All!  Hope all is well.  Check it out!!! I saw wannabe snowflakes today!  YES!  I'm serious people.  I saw tiny white dots floating from the sky whisking about, to and fro, on the small wind currents of air joyously weaving intricate patterns in space. I was taken aback for a hot second, heh heh. In the words of Rafiki, "It starts..."   aight, on to, Da Word!


11 The Lord told him, "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying.  12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight."
- Acts 9:11,12

This is like... a MAJOR, "Say WHAT!?!?!?!!!!" moment for our pal Ananias here.  If you don't know the back story, I encourage you to read up on it starting at Acts 7:54.  Saul was a VERY SCARY dude to any person who claimed to be of "The Way".... a Christ follower.  In short, Saul was like a straight vamp out for blood, trackin' these Christ followers down like succulent prey and eliminating them.  By the way... Saul was the name of the great new testament badmammajamma, Paul, before he turned!

Now back to the matter at hand, Ananias was like, "Yo Pops, you must be straight crazy.  You are askin' me to go into the belly of the beast here man!  I mean come on Pops, Saul!? Saul IS the boogey man... MAN!"  Ahh but you see my bruthaz and sistaz, Pops had already begun a work in Saul.  Homeboy was no longer the boogey man, Ananias just didn't know it yet.

So what's the point?  There's a lot to be grasped here, but the bit of knowledge hitting me right now is the fact that Pops has already got everything under control.  We only need to trust him.  I mean come on!? Fa real, if you can't trust Pops, who can you trust?  We gots to trust Pops cuz thre ain't NO ONE able to take Pops on!  It's straight ludicrous!  As a result we have NOTHING to fear!  Zero!  NADA!  Zilch holmes.  That's right potnas. 

So when Pops tells you to head into the belly of the beast, head there in a full sprint!  Do not let your human emotions of doubt, fear, and uncertainty deter you or slow you down!  See, what is waiting for you at that most fearsome a place, that situation you are most scared of, is a dang SWEEEEEEEET blessing Pops is about to bestow upon you.  Don't miss it because of your own limits!   Rest assured on Pops because Homie has no limits!  As a result, He can take you places you've never dreamed.....

Pops has already paved the way, you only need to take the step.


   - patrick

Monday, November 05, 2007

Da Word... 204! Trump the Status Quo!

Morning All!  It is Monday.... November da 5th, tru!  Can you believe it's already November?  I mean... MAN!  Where oh where has the time gone?  Be sure to make the most of every moment.  Aight, on to... da Word!


But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.
- Peter ( 1 Peter 1:15 )

Now that's what I'm talkin' about!  Straight TRUMPING the status quo!  There aren't many peeps willing to take on this most worthy of challenges.  Why?  Shoooot, because it's HARD kid!  I mean come on, being holy.... in all you do?  Do you know how many times a day the average person does something not all that bad, but not holy either?  Do you know how many times a day you do it?  We all snub righteousness daily in very small ways and almost always unconsciously! 

So how can we rise above the average person?  How can we trump the status quo?  How can we live a life that is tremendously fulfilling and an inspiration to many?  It's simple potnas... just follow the mandate!  Heh heh. Just as Pops above is holy, so we should be holy in ALL that we do.  That takes two things.

First, it takes trusting Pops to give you the strength and the courage to be holy in all that you do.  Cuz potnas, without Pops holding us up and ushering us forward, we will SURELY.... that's right people SURELY fail in any endeavor to be holy in all that we did.  Why?  Cuz we are naturally inclined to do things that are not holy.  Why?  Cuz it is straight EASY to be unholy, especially in the small things.  It doesn't put you out there; there's no standing out nor the possibility of being alone in standing out.  Thus, without Pops, you might as well pack up and go home because it will be impossible to be holy in all that you do.  But WITH Pops, it's easy. 

Second, we've got to change our thought patterns.  We've got to pay attention to everything that we do and be of the mindset, "Am I being holy in what I am about to do and how I will go about doing it?"  We gotta take that brief pause and run that quick assessment.  We gotta do it in the work place among colleagues, bosses, and the things we do to perform our jobs.  We gotta do it right before we make that deal.  We gotta do it in our friendships.  We gotta do it when interacting with our wives, husbands, boyfriends or girlfriends.  In ALL that we do bruthaz and sistaz.

So why be holy?  Why go through that?  Potnas, there is no challenge in being unholy!  I say to you, why then waste you time and your very life doing things that do not grow you or challenge you?  Once a moment in time passes by, it is gone forever, NEVER to be here again.  You might as well go for broke and shoot for being holy!  At least that way you'll be investing your time for a HUGE return.  What kind of return am I talking about?  A character and integrity to die for!  To be more than average.  To accomplish something significant.  To be that person everyone loves, trusts, and desires to emulate or become.  To elevate and to hold friendships and significant relationships with such depth and realism revealing to you life in all its monumental glory, as Pops originally created it.  So that Pops himself can brag about you saying, "That's my dawg!  Did you see that?  Homie didn't even FLINCH kid!  Here, take these blessings my son, my daughter!"  I can go on and on, but I think you get the picture.

Let's get to trumping the status quo.  Let's be DONE with being average and strive to achieve greatness!  Shoot, let's blast open the doors behind which life in all its fullness may be experienced!  Are you ready for that whirlwind!?  It's like living on the edge.  Can you feel the rush?  Be holy my homies, in all that you do.


   - patrick

Monday, October 15, 2007

Da Word... 203! Ingenuity

Good morning!  Yo it's starting to get a little cold up here in Boston!  The lows have started to hit the 40s, and our highs have been the low 60s.  The temperature is just creeping on down and down, heh heh.  Time to start busting out the winter gear.  Aight, on to... da Word!


...they invent ways of doing evil...
- Paul (Romans 1:30)

You know, we humans are amaaaaazing.  For real kid!  Our bodies adapt constantly; we are able to learn many a varied thing and devise practical applications; and we have this mega organ ( our brain ) that still continues to baffle scientists the world over.  Yo..... Pops hooked us UP!  With this gift Pops gave us, we have become ever resourceful, imaginative, and creative.  So what have we been doing with this brain of ours?

Apparently, potnas, we've been straight inventing ways of doing evil.  WHAT!?  Yeah kid, you heard right and Paul came correct.  If you peep Romans 1, you'll see that Paul is laying the groundwork for building a case.  In this first step, he is attempting to open our eyes to the realization that humans.... yo we are bad kid! He's trying to show that once we lost our way, once we turned from Pops and started doing things our own way and/or started interpreting Pops in a way that selfishly benefits us...... it was straight downhill.

Yeah bruthaz and sistaz, at that point we started using our gifts of ingenuity to manufacture all KINDS of ways to do evil.  What worse possible application or end goal could we have aspired to!  Evil is just too tempting, and it's easy to want to invent new ways of getting what we desire.  But that's a double edged sword potnas.  Yeah, we'll get what we want, but at what cost?  Our character?  Our integrity? Our friends and family? Our relationships?  Our very selves?  ...our souls?

Come on bruthaz and sistaz, let's make a change.  Let us make sure to use our gift of ingenuity to invent ways of doing good!  For the rewards of doing so are priceless and enduring.  You can't get any better than that.  And let us inspire those around us by word and deed to do the same.  For the lives of all those connected will be tremendously enriched beyond any measure.  Now that's what I'm talking about.


  - patrick

Monday, October 08, 2007

Da Word... 202! The God Genie

Morning All!  I hope things are going very well.  Especially if you have today off like I do!  OH YEAH!!!!  Days off are great yo.  You can just switch gears and do something totally different.  Anyhow, on to.... da Word!


This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
- 1 John 5:14

THAT.... my friends..... is pretty AWESOME!  Pops above hears me?  ME? Really?  Homeboy takes a moment just to hear what I ask for?  God himself!?   Yeah kid, this ain't no lie.  According to this passage of scripture, we can hold onto this promise and have the unshakable confidence that Pops above hears us when we ask him something.

But wait, what's the catch?   Catch you say?  There is no catch.  If you are straight rollin' with Pops, and I mean you two are tight and getting tighter everyday, then shoooooooot, you two will be thinking alike as well!  Matter of fact you my friend, you will start to become more and more like Pops above in character!   That's right.  I mean come on, you can't rub shoulders with the ILLEST being around and NOT get influenced.  Look how easy it is to get influenced by some of your friends!  Hang around each other long enough and both of you start to do or say some of the same things.  And, so it is with Pops!

See, you will start to want the very same things Pops wants.  You will start to think like Pops thinks.  You will be moving in the same direction as he is.  And thus, when you approach Pops and ask him a thing, you can be sure that what you ask will be according to his will.  Because your will be in alignment with his.  And BOOM!  It's go time!  You and Pops will start bringing a Holy Righteous Ruckus that is OFF the HOOK!

Why his will?  The real question is why not?!  You think Pops... aka GOD... is going to lead you astray?  You think homeboy is going to lead you to the worst possible path?  You think the big G is a kid with an ant farm and a magnifying glass?  Come on people!  No no no no!  The will of Pops is the best possible choice one can ever make. He already sees and knows all!  And he is trying to lead you into receiving the best in life. 

That's why Pops ain't no Genie.  We can't just ask him for anything.  I mean come on we don't know what we want!  Most of the things we ask for that aren't according to homeboy's will more times than not leads us into a worse predicament!  I'm sure you can relate.  You finally got something you thought would make things better and in the end it makes things worse.  It would have been better had never got the thing!  BAM!  And that brings us full circle!  Pops would have never given it to us in the first place. 

So what can we have confidence in?  We can have confidence that Pops gives us whatever we ask that is in accordance to his will.  Matter of fact, that confidence is so strong that once we ask we can rest assured and know that we already have it (peep verse 15).  I don't know about you, but I'm liking that.  Pops has my back... and I ain't got nothing to worry about nor anything to lose.


   - patrick

Monday, October 01, 2007

Da Word... 201! Motive

HEY!!!!   It's been a loooong time!  Talk about hiatus!  Wow.  The last month and a half I was a straight tool potnas.  I was pullin' maaaaaaaaaaaaaaad hours at work. But now, that's all done!  WOOOHOOO!   And Da Word... is back! 


All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord.
- Proverbs 16:2

Motive baby!  It's AAAALL about motive. Your motive determines perspective and can be the difference between something taken as genuine or taken as straight malicious and selfish.  Motive is EVERYTHING.  Ever stop to wonder how everything we want to do or try to do tend to align towards seeming innocent? 

Yo, our powers of persuasion and rationalization are potent!  We can make anything seem genuine and altruistic.  It might take a few rounds of rationalization, but we'll get there.  And BOOM!  Low and behooooold.... our ways seem innocent to us. 

But potnas... we can't hide our true motives from Pops above!   I mean yeah we can pull the wool over almost any fellow human's eyes... even our own!  But trying to pull a fast one on Pops?  .....HAH!  That's a good one, had me straight rollin' for a good minute there.  Not gonna happen bruthaz and sistaz.  Pops will see through everything and straight to the heart of the matter. 

And yo, Pops himself will weigh your motives by its true measure!  That's kind of heavy!  So why try to pull a fast one on Pops just to sucker some poor fellow human or our very selves?  Especially when Pops will just see it as such plainly?  Because along with powers of persuasion, we have this CRAZY imagination, hah hah.  We can't do it; our motives are plain before God.  And you know what?  Our motives are sometimes even plain before our fellow bruthaz and sistaz! 

So what's the point of this proverb?   The point is this, let our motives be true and genuine and therefore blessed by Pops.  And as a result, our ways will indeed be innocent, success will line the paths we walk, and people all around will reap blessings as it overflows.  

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.  PeACE!


  - patrick

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Da Word... 200! Fruit is Madlicious!

What's uuup!  How was the weekend?  I hope it was fulfilling and straight chill.  I got to meet quite a few peeps.  But the best was Bourne Ultimatum!  Oh yeah, this movie was awesome!  Aight, on to... da Word!


Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
- John da Baptist (Matthew 3:8)

Yo da Baptist did not play!  He came out with it... straight!  In this passage, John (Jesus' cousin) was doing his thing preparing the way for Christ.  He was baptizing and calling peeps to repent.  In other words, he was tellin' peeps to make a 180, to turn from their current ways and make a B-line for the way that is right and true.  No shenanigans, no backstabbin', no frontin', none o' that stuff.  Why?  Cuz da kingdom of heaven is fast approachin'.

So, in rolls these Pharisees and Sadducees.  John stops in his tracks and lays the verbal smack down, starting off with, "You brood of vipers!"  Wow, that's HARSH!  But that's what they were!  Slithering and sneaky pious types sinking their fangs into helpless peeps, allowing their poison to do its work.  So John called them out... and what!  Then, he dropped the line above.  Yes potnas, that there is bonafide truth.  We gots to produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

When we repent, we decide to turn from the ways that were not leading to life.  We turn from selfishness and self praise to humility and serving. And let's not forget to bonafide love.  But if our repentance is true, we WILL produce fruit in keeping with that about face!  Yeah, it just follows suit potnas.  Just as a tree produces fruit in season, so must we.  If we ain't producing, then something is wrong, and we are flirting with disaster.  The fruit we produce are many: love, kindness, humility, serving, compassion, strength, confidence, direction.... the list goes on and on.  Pops himself will bless you to produce fruit that is straight potent and oozing with spiritual essence.  Don't you want some o' that?  Awww YEAH!

Produce fruit brutahz and sistaz, cuz in truth, if we are rollin' with Pops, we can't help BUT produce it! It is all naturaaaal!  And it benefits all around us, including ourselves.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Da Word... 199! Protected

Good Morning!!!  What's new and hot? Things over here are going pretty well.  It's actually calmed down a bit!  And believe me, that is a WELCOME relief from the craziness of July... wowza!  Aight, on to... da Word!


Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him
- Proverbs 30:5

Niiiiiiiiiice!  Have I mentioned that the Proverbs are da bomb?  They are the BOMB bruthaz and sistaz! I can't help but dig the 'verbs potnas.  There are just tons of wisdom and encouragement laced within the pages of that book. If you are rollin' with Pops above, how could you not immediately feel strengthened by this verse right here?  Let's dig into it ;-D

The verse starts by saying that every single word of Pops above is straight FLAWLESS son!!!!  That is beyond ILL!  How much more confidence does it bring you to know that every word of Pops is flawless?  I mean, nothing less should be expected from the being who is God, who by and through everything was created and continues to have being.  But we forget it sometimes!  And then we start to doubt and lack confidence in our path.  Or we find ourselves wallowing in the valley of indecision.  Pops doesn't want us wallowing potnas.  His word is flawless!  There is no need for worry!  Cuz Pops ain't gonna lie.  And believe me, homeboy can and will backup what he says, shoooooot.   Therefore be freed and rest your confidence on the ultimate foundation that is Pops!

But that's not aaaaall, heh heh heh.  Pops DOUBLES as a shield!!!  Now that is not blanket statement.  There is a proviso (condition or qualification).  But wait!  Don't throw your hands up in despair!  That there proviso is just you taking refuge in Him!  That's it!  BAM!  That's all it takes.  And what do you get in return?  Pops above Himself becoming a straight SHIELD for you!  Potnas, that is a HOT deal!  You mean to tell me all we gotta do is take refuge in Pops, and He will bestow upon us His very self as our shield?  YES! 

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty indestructible right now.  It's good to be reminded of the awesome situation we find ourselves in if we are indeed straight rollin' with Pops.  I can have every confidence in His words (including all those promises he has made!).  I can know that Homeboy will never fail me.  And I can rest assured that Pops above is my shield! 

Can you say these things too?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Da Word... 198! Love takes Action

What up!  I think I missed a week or two there, my bad!  Things have been really crazy of late.  I hope you all are straight chillin'!!!   Aight, on to, da Word!


Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:18

Word.  The word love is tossed around so much these days, yoooo.... it's almost lost all its meaning!  Way too many peeps are absorbed in a "feeling" or some emotional experience.  At best, those sensations are fleeting!  Yeah, you get a swooning endorphin high because, biologically, that emotion is straight tingly!  But bruthaz and sistaz... it passes!  And then, what do you have left to fill the void?  Love ain't just a feelin'.

Love is neither mere words!  Any wannabe can say, "I love you dawg!"  Plenty of peeps say, "I love people!  ;-D"  But their actions show the contrary!  Love is validated by action.  People act when they are moved.  If one is not moved, they will not act.  And if one is not moved, that one does is not fully committed to the words of  expression he or she may have just uttered.  We can't just talk the talk!  We gotta  walk the walk! 

And love has got to be in truth!  Again, anybody can speak, and some people can even take action.  But guess what?  There are peeps who love and act discriminatingly.  Verse 17 puts it best, "if anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him."  Bonafide love is unconditional.  Let's not be imitators and posers, let's be the real deal!

Love is a combination of words, action, and truth.  Spoken words are validated by action, and action is validated by truth.  This strength of love cannot be shaken!  And, burthaz and sistaz, this is the best love imaginable!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Da Word... 197! Pleasing Pops

Good Morning!

Hope your 4th of July was maaaaaaaad explosive! It was pretty dope here in Boston. TRU! Did you peep the movie Transformers yet? If not... what are you waiting for!? It's AWESOME. Aight, on to, da Word!


And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
- Hebrews 11:6

Chapter 11 of Hebrews takes the term "by faith" and REALLY hammers it in. I mean, yoooo, by the end of this chapter you have a pretty good handle on almost every angle and perspective "by faith" represents replete with tons of historical examples of reppin' people and events. This verse right here speaks to the possibility of pleasin' Pops. How can we come to please the creator of the universe? I mean fa real, he created the universe! How can we possibly please Pops above? By faith ;-D

So what does that mean? There are two key phrases in this verse that break it down. First, any kat comin' to Pops must "believe that he exists." I mean come on, that's just practical. In general, one cannot please someone he or she does not believe to exist... especially in this case. Why? Cuz Pops calls us to a high standard that is TOUGH to meet. Now imagine trying to meet it if you lose the HIGHLY motivating factor that is Pops' existence. It's a little easier when you can say with conviction, "Cross the creator of the universe... what are you, CRAZY!?"

The second thing is that we gots to earnestly seek him. There are plenty of peeps who act like or say that they are seeking Pops. But the percentage those who are real and earnest about it are few. Faith is no joke. It ain't no walk in the park. It takes belief in the existence of a being you can't see or touch and a level of seeking that cannot be derailed. But when one holds these two keys, Pops above is pleased. And guess what? BAM!!!! Pops opens up the floodgates of unimaginable blessing in every form: knowledge, wisdom, character, joy, peace.... endless yo! You can't stop the blessings!

Believe He exists and earnestly seek Him. Pops will not fail you. He will return to you in measure as you believe and seek... and then some. He will show you beyond the shadow of any doubt who He is.


- patrick

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Da Word... 196! Slow ya roll!

Yo yo!

On monday night, there is going to be a Japanese Taiko (Drum) performance. It is going to be HOT! A full concert yo! Can't WAIT! In other news, I may be moving or buying ;-D Raise a brutha in praya so that I am lead to the correct choice and the best circumstance. THANKS! Aight, on to... da Word!


Do you see a man who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
- Proverbs 29:20

Yo, ain't that the truth! There are a lot of fast talkin' peeps out there! Note, I'm not referring to the peeps who are talking quickly in order to pull a fast one over you, that is, trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Naw naw, I'm talkin' about kats who speak before they think! Yeah, THOSE dudes.... almost ALWAYS find themselves in a world hurt! Speaking too quickly is straight dumb yo. Matter of fact, it is so dumb that da Word says a straight FOOL has more hope than one who speaks with haste! Now that is COLD!

Why is it dumb? It's like playing cards with an open hand. Don't show your cards to soon! You will LOSE... almost guaranteed! Speaking without thinking can cause such a rift in personal relationships as to render any chance of reconciliation moot as a result of poor judgment and senile haste. It ain't worth it! One who speaks in haste will cause himself or herself to encounter tons more trouble than necessary. And... this person has no one to blame but himself! Why would anyone wanna bring such headache upon his or her own person? I'd rather be grillin' steaks and holdin' it down with my crew! Speaking in haste can destroy what may have been a superb opportunity. It can destroy business dealings. It can cause you to be found guilty though you are innocent. It could result in a moment of embarrassment so humiliating...... I'll let you finish the sentence.

In every way, bruthaz and sistaz, speaking in haste will work against you. Yet, people do it all the time. Let not there be greater hope for a fool... cuz that's just sad yo. Let's instead knock some sense into ourselves and be sure to check that urge whenever it rears its enormously grotesque head... fa realz! And watch! Watch how quickly life will seem to be looking up for you ;-D


- patrick

Monday, June 18, 2007

Da Word... 195! Belief is a choice

Hey hey!

How ya livin'!  heh heh, i hope all is going well with you!  And for those undergoing challenges, I trust Pops will lead you through it if you lean on His strength... tru!  Aight, on to... da Word!


Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.
- John 12:37

Yooo, ain't THAT da truth!  Our homeboy J laid the SMACK down with miracles son!  I mean yo, it was CRAZY!  And despite it all, people STILL did not believe in him.  Does that make sense?   If you are brought face to face with a miracle, how can you then deny the belief in the one who did that miracle?  .... over and over and over again and again and again?  I'm sure some of you can relate ;-D  Maybe not on the performing miracles part, but in doing something so awesome and yet remain doubters and haterz.  What is this passage trying to tell us?  Potnas... it ain't the miracles that will cause one to believe.  Naw low, a person must make the choice to believe.

It's about choice!  Anyone can have an emotional event.  Yo, anyone can witness some stupendous show.  Potnas, anyone can go on a retreat and get so amped up that he or she is ready to take on the world full throttle.  But these are just events.... as quickly as these events can come and elicit a powerful emotional response, so also can that euphoria quickly vanish.  It's not the sticking point potnas!  Naw low, what sticks is an individuals decision to believe!  That has to come from within.  It reflects a transformation of the heart.  Why?  Cuz believing ain't no walk in the park. It ain't easy!  There will be endless challenges and there will be days where you just want to quit!  But you wont ;-D  Cuz your decision was not based on some fleeting spectacle, but on the foundation of a bonafide relationship with the one true God! 

Much like love is not just a feeling, so is belief.  Just as it becomes downright hard to love someone, it will downright at times be hard to believe.  But if your love is da real deal, it will last and it will lay the SMACK down on any trial trying to pull a fast one.  And so it is with your belief.  If your belief is the real deal, you will have victory. Cuz, yo, Pops ain't gonna leave ya!   Heh heh, nothin' can take down Pops. You can take that one to the bank!  The only thing inhibiting you is your choice.  Choose to believe.


   - patrick

Monday, June 11, 2007

Da Word... 194! NBAMNBAAO


Yup, homeboy is writing this in real time!  I catch one every once in a while, heh heh.  Hope your summers are going well thus far!  Yesterday I hit up the Dragon Boat Festival here in Boston and caught the Taiko (Japanese Drum) Performance.  It was ILL!!!!!!  Taiko is da bomb.  Especially the huge Taiko Matsuri I witnessed in Japan, yooooooooo!  Aight, on to... da Word!


Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
- James (James 1:4)

Awwww yeah!  Back in James, mmhmmm!  Most of chapter one is about bustin' a beat down on the trials and temptations that might try and stage a coup on you.  Matter o' fact, James starts it by saying, "Yo, think it straight ILL son!  Pure JOY potnas!  ...whenever these kats try to pounce." See, bruthaz and sistaz, these "tests" will increase your level with a quickness.  Levelin' up is hot!  But getting there is tough sometimes. And thus perseverance is KEY. 

No matter what the trial, no matter what the test, no matter what the situation, we gots to persevere.  If we do not let perseverance run its course, we are likely to quit and let life have its way with us.  Naw lo!  That ain't how it's meant to be!  Take life by the horns and make it yours! We cannot become complete in our being without persevering.  Think about your role models and great leaders both historical and present.  I bet each one gained such a high position and value in your eye because they each persevered through something. 

Go out into the world then and face life full bore; welcome its trials with a spark in your eye and a smirk that screams, "Bring it on! I know something you don't..... (I've got Pops above on my side)."  Persevere!  And potnas, let this be your mantra:

Not by any means necessary but against all odds.


    - patrick

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Da Word... 193! Walk, not just talk!


Hey hope all is well!  Been a hot minute eh?  heh heh.  Hope your memorial day weekend was off the hook!  And now, we are back on track, tru!  Aight, on to.. da Word. 


You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.
- James (James 2:24)

Yo James is on FIRE!!!!  Enfuego son!  If you haven't read da book of James, you should definitely peep it.  The book, though short, packs maaaaaaaaaaaaaad punch!  N e who, this tidbit of goodness speaks volumes.  It comes after James points out that old testament badmamajamma Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness by Pops above!  That is SIC yo!  Pops above Himself justified Abraham's faith.  Why?  Cuz Abraham acted in faith.  He did what Pops asked, believing that Pops had everything under control.  Peep da story of Abraham and his son Isaac for the fully skinny. Meanwhile....

Potnas, the point is this... faith without action is like a leader without vision... USELESS!  If your faith is not motivating you towards action, then I would start questioning whether or not that faith is real.  Cuz yo, real faith.... shoooooot, you wouldn't be able to put a cap on that hydrant if you wanted to.  The urge to act would be gushing forth with such force you couldn't help BUT act in reflection of that faith.  Faith is so transforming that your very desires become aligned with those of Pops.  And Pops desires to love all and to demonstrate that love via action.  It follows then that your faith will drive you towards action, and your deeds will thus justify your faith.

Represent Christ!  Walk... and not just talk!


  - patrick

Monday, May 21, 2007

Da Word... 192! Amp up yo' potnas!

Good Afternoon!

Oh, it is a b...e....a.....uuuutiful day today!  No DOUBT!  Man in comparison to this weekend.... yoooooooo today is straight PARADISE!  heh heh.  I hope you all are feelin' me ;-D  Aight, on to.... da Word!


May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
- Paul, Silas, Timothy ( 2 Thessalonians 2:16,17)

Yo, ain't that nice?  Isn't that like..... maaaaad encouraging and uplifting?  I reckon!  heh heh.  Paul and company have a habit of doing this.  At the end of many of his letters (and within his letters), homeboy drops these AMAZING words of encouragement that straight uplift a brutha to the high heavens son!  Go back and read those verses right quick......... read it?  Shoot this is da BOMB! 

In those few words Paul and company establish a foundation of encouragement from which they pour out substantial and definite encouragement.  Yup!  See, these dudes call on the principle of encouragement himself to encourage the Thessalonians!  And they back it up by conveying their own receipt of that encouragement by that same and powerful entity... Pops above.  Yo... you cannot go wrong with encouragement from on High potnas!

Note also that the encouragement is specific.  Paul and company bless these peeps by asking that Pops encourage them in their hearts.  Why?  Cuz if our hearts are encouraged, we will be driven.  It is our state of being within that will drive our actions without. These guys then make it practical by specifying being strengthened in deed and word... tangible action that  will reap concrete results.

Potnas, let us emulate this example and encourage others in the same way.  Encouragement that is specific and backed up by undeniable evidence of fulfillment goes a long way in igniting (or reigniting) the passion and drive of life in our fellow brothers and sisters.  And guess what? Suddenly, you'll be rollin' with a circle peeps always high on life!  Trust me, that is straight electrifying!


   - patrick

Monday, May 14, 2007

Da Word... 191! Patience Potna!

Good Afternoon!

Yeah, looks like I made another monday!  ...albeit a few hours late, heh heh.  N e of you experience a strange kind of fever-like hit and run attack recently?  i just did; it was strange yo!  n e who, on to... da Word! 


I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.
- Da Christ (Luke 24:49)

Yo yo, this particular statement came forth from da mouth o' Christ when He was doing His appearing thing after He was crucified.  That's right potnas, my man J was straight roamin' the territory, showing himself to many a disciple embodying the fulfillment of scripture... in da flesh son!  OH YEAH!  N e who, at this point He was about to bounce and ascend back into da Heavenlies.  But before He did so He explained to all these kats that they would go out into ALL the nations and spit the good news of salvation, repentance and forgiveness, and the gift of LIFE (AWW YEAAAAH BOYYYYYYY!!!!!). 

Hold on though!  Checkit!  My man J also put the brakes on these kats!  He told them to wait..... "cuz I got sumtim OFF the HOOK fa ya!  Trust me, you WANT this, mmhmmm!"  Da Christ told them that he would strap these kats with straight power from on HIGH son!  Now that's what I like to hear ;-D   I mean come on, what would be kooler than gettin' powered up by Pops Himself!?   So, these kats had to check their passion and desire to go out and speak until J went and laid on the blessing.

What's the take away here?  Everything in Pops' time.  Yeah, Pops may have revealed to you some insanely crazy and awesome plan that, upon completion, will reap unheard of benefit and lasting inextinguishable reward upon masses of peeps.  And yeah, this might fire you up so much that you are bursting at the seams to set it in motion.  But you got to check that energy!  Just for a lil' bit ;-D  Pops might need to prime you up, give you a little bit o' His Spirit Power.  You don't wanna miss that.  Patience!  Wait on Pops to first fully deck you out!  Cuz trust me, when do get the go, you'll be packin' some heat ;-D


  - patrick

Monday, May 07, 2007

Da Word... 190! Enemy to Ally

Good Morning!

Hey check it out!  I made it!  I got this out on a Monday morning!   Word ;-D  heh heh.  Hope your weekend was off the hizzle, tru!  Things here were pretty chill, and Spiderman 3 was da BOMB!  Aight, on to.... da Word!


For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.
- Paul (Philippians 3:18)

Yuuuuup!  It's my man Paul again droppin' some knowledge potnas!  This in particular jumped out at me.  Why?  Cuz of the combo of "tears" and "enemies".  Mmhmmm.   Paul here is writing to the Philippians and, in this particular section, is spurring them to PRESS ON toward the goal, to take hold of the prize that da Christ's sacrifice has made available to us.  But in encouraging these peeps to press on he makes mention of the lost, those who are giving up "citizenship in heaven".  Why would he do that?

For one, it is a fact, even though it may be a cold and a hard one to come face to face with.  But yo, that is the truth potnas!  Paul didn't say a few live as enemies.... MANY live as enemies of the cross of Christ.  TONS o' peeps would rather fight against the unconditional love that Pops is straight pouring out on them than accept it.  A lot want to do things their on way, a so-called freedom, rather than to be set free from the whims of our own humanity.  It's an irony yo!  The things that we think give us freedom instead hold us in shackles, binding us in a cage of shame and regret.  But yo with Pops, we ain't got no secrets cuz we have nothing to hide, straight FREE!

Second, Paul shows that this fact is tearing him apart on the inside!  Not only does he know and acknowledge this fact, but he can't even bring himself to state it without fighting off tears.  That's compassion peeps.  That is a deep and genuine compassion for your fellow man and woman!  It's to the point that it hurts son!.  And so it is with this compassion that Paul is all the more fervent to reach these enemies.... that they might instead become allies.

See, potnas, the mere glimpse of that compassion might be all the catalyst one may need to make the transition from enemy to ally.  Rep Christ and His genuine love, and watch as His love transforms peeps, even yourself, right before your very eyes.  PeACE!


   - patrick

Monday, April 30, 2007

Da Word... 189! Clarity in decision

hey hey!

OH OH ... what UP!   Can you believe it's May already?  I mean... wow... that was faaaaast!  Things here are going pretty well.  I hope things are going well on your end.  Aight, on to... da Word!


The Lord said to him, "Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus.  When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram.  Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet.  Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu.  Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel -- all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him.
- Da Lord (1 Kings 19:15-18)

Whoa.......... I don't think there is anything unclear about what da Lord wants to happen.  Let's back up a lil' bit though.  First, Pops is talkin' to Elijah (old testament prophet badmammajamma).  Second, Elijah was running away!  Yeah, homeboy was straight SCARED!  Why?  Cuz, third, the Israelites were offing prophets left and right.  Uh huh, that is right potnas!  The Israelites started worshiping a false god called Baal, among SEVERAL other things.  What happened yo!?  It's like the Israelites straight turned on Pops!  ....yup. 

So n e who, Elijah was terrified and ran faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away and prayed that Pops would take his life.  Pops lead him to a place, "appeared" to him, and spoke the above.  There are a couple things we can take from this.  One, do NOT oppose Pops yo!  Noooo wayyy!  NOT a good idea, nope, nada.  Once we go too far, you know hittin' the point of no return and thus forcing da hand o' Pops (cuz Justice must come at some point), the result will not be pretty.  Matter of fact, it will be swift.

Second, notice the clarity in the direction Pops gives Elijah?  There are no holes in this game plan.  No... not one.  EVERY base is covered. One, Elijah was told to go back the way he came (WHAT!?  Didn't Elijah just run from the prophet blood hungry Israelites?!?).  Two, Pops appointed a new leadership.  Boom, out with the old, in with the new.  Three, Pops picked Elijah's successor.  See, Elijah wanted no more, he was scared, and he wanted Pops to take him.  So, Pops will relieve Elijah of his duties and appoint a new Old Testament Prophet badmammajamma, heh heh.  Four, there will be a purging of which none will escape. There is a backup to the backup to ensure the operation is complete yo...... whoa......  Five, Pops had already decided on a reserve of Israel, peeps with a specific attribute. 

See, Pops left no room for ambiguity or confusion.  He was clear, direct, and focused.  That's how Pops is yo!  Homeboy is NOT wishywashy, He comes correct.  So if Pops is tellin' you something, believe me, you will know what he's saying kid ;-D  heh heh.  Finally, yo this is a great model for us as well.  I mean, if we came up with plans that are this tight, you know much less problems we would encounter with communication, execution, confusion... da whole NINE!

As Pops is clear, let us also be clear.  OH, and let's not force da hand o' Pops ;-D  I don't know about you, but I'd rather receive blessings than the alternative, tru!


   - patrick

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Da Word... 188! Puff Puff GIVE!

Good.... Evenin' !

Sup y'all!  Yo, it was NICE this past weekend!  It hit the mid 80s!  Pretty crazy, but you could tell peeps were reveling in the sun.  TRU!   It's raining today though, heh.  Aight, on to... da Word! 


At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality...
- Paul ( 2 Cor. 8:14)

Yo, tell it brutha!  MMHMMMM!!!!  In this chapter, Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to be generous and giving.  And not only to do so, but to eagerly and willingly do so.  He gave them props for being the first to give one year ago, and for having the desire to give.  Paul affirms these kats and tells them to keep it up cuz it is da bomb diggity.  That's right!  But why potnas?  Why is it good to be generous and to give?

For one, if ya gots plenty, your plenty will supply another's need!  I mean, that's pretty simple no?  Ones excess can be of TREMENDOUS aid to one who is in need.  So, instead of letting that excess chill out and waste away, we can accomplish two things:  putting that excess to work (that's right you lazy sack of excess, to work you go!) AND aiding the needs of our fellow man.  Now that's hot.   Oh oh oh, but that's not all....

By being generous, our giving will return unto us!  See, when we help a brutha or a sista out, it will be remembered, if not by that bro or sista, by someone else.  And guess what?  Yeah potnas, when we become strapped and in need, these kats will remember our deed.  And yo, if they then have excess, their plenty will supply our need.  BAM!!!!!  What goes around comes around.  If ya sow goodness, kindness, and generosity... my bruthaz and sistaz, you will reap it!

Where are you focusin' potnas?  On numero uno?  Or on those around you?  Your imperishable, priceless, and invaluable reward will come by focusing on those around you, and serving your fellow bruthaz and sistaz.  And trust me, that kind of reward is better than any.


   - patrick

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Da Word... 187! So Cold... Fight On!

Good Evening All!

I hope you did your taxes...... ;-D  heh heh.  Apparently there are a bunch of peep straight SCRAMBLING.  I wanted to set up a simple appointment with this kat I met at Fidelity, and he was like, "Yooo, this is not a good day, this place is CRAZY with peeps because of taxes."  Alas.... heh heh.  On a more serious note, pump up mad prayers for those affected by the events that took place at Virginia Tech.  May Pops bring peace to them all and may his justice be fulfilled.  Aight, on to... da Word!


These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm.  Blackest darkness is reserved for them.
- Peter (2 Peter 2:17)

Oooo..... daaaaang!  Who you talkin' about Peter?!? Those are some cold words right there potnas.  Just what kind of men is Peter talking about that he gives such a cold and unflattering description?  I mean... wow, I would NOT want these things said about me.  Even the imagery the words evoke in our minds is quite daunting and may even go so far as to make one feel a deep pit in their stomach.  

Peter is referring to false teachers.  Yeah, those kats who knowingly, maybe even gleefully, mislead people into some belief that will only lead to destruction.  This broad of vipers swindle people ever so elegantly, deceiving their minds and their desires by appealing to  their weaknesses.  Oh, these dudes are wretched, and I know you've heard of them and the path of destruction they leave in their wake and in the lives of people unfortunate enough to fall prey.

In my opinion, this is the worst thing one could do to another.  So much evil rises from such action (yes, even the taking advantage of sexually); and what's worse, these people may end up causing others to miss God's promise of life straight chillin' with da creator of da universe, da Christ, angels, and people past and future.  I don't know how anyone can live with themselves while deceitfully taking all kinds of advantage of another being, twisting their minds and thoughts, and leaving them for dead.  I agree with Peter, these kinds of people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Indeed they are deserving of the blackest darkness. 

Potnas, let's not become one of these.  And let us all root this kind of vermin out into the open!  We gotta protect our fellow man and woman.  We can't just let this slide.   The consequences are far to great.  Take action!  Pops DEFINITELY has your back on this one.


  - patrick

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Da Word... 186! Get Your Crave On!


Yo how was Easter?  I hope it was da BOMB!  That's the day our Lord, da Christ, was raised potnas!!!!!  It brought completion to the prophesy that the Christ would die, and then in three days, rise again.  In so doing, securing our debt, making the way clear for salvation, the beat down of death, and establishing our hope for rising just as he did... WORD!!!!!!  aight... on to, da Word!


Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
- Peter (1 Peter 2:2,3)

Awwww yeaaaah!   Peter, da rock, writes to fellow bruthaz and sistaz scattered in the region.  He packs a lot of awesome knowledge and advice in this letter, buhlee dat!   This right here is on point.  Babies be LOVIN' that milk yo.  Shooooooooot, those miniature humans crave that stuff to no end.  And a good thing too!  Why?  Cuz that milk will ensure proper development of that young child's biological components.  Without that pure spiritual milk, that kid will end up in a sorry and pitiful state to the heartbreaking of all those around him or her. 

In the same way potnas, if we aren't craving pure spiritual milk, our development will surely crumble, ESPECIALLY if we are brand spanking new Pops followers.  We will lack strength, our bones will be brittle, and our mental readiness will suffer tremendously.  We will be deformed, and could very well die... spiritually.  And yo, a spiritual death is the end son!  I don't think we want that ;-D   I mean come on, we done tasted people!  We done tasted.... and the Lord is MADLICIOUS!!!!   Let's keep drinking that spiritual milk and let craving cease not!  For by doing so, we will grow up STRONG in our salvation.  We'll become straight SOLID people, and a force to be reckoned with no doubt.  We will be fully healthy and fully alive. 

Crave on!


   - patrick

Monday, April 02, 2007

Da Word... 185!

Da Word... 185!

Hey All,

Hope things are well over yonder.  Been pretty busy over here, working a lot of hours... grrr.... heh. Aight, on to, da Word!


But go and learn what this means: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice."  For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
- Da Christ (Matthew 9:13)

BAM!  In yo' FACE!  That's right son!  Hah hah, J is da MAN!  Check it out, my man J was chillin', grubbin' with tax collectors and "sinners" at da house a Matthew.  Suddenly, lo' and behold, some gnats started a chatterin', "yo, why does this teacher commune with such sinners?"  See, a lot of peeps looked down on the tax collectors since they were Jewish peeps collecting Roman tax from Jewish peeps!  Many thought they were backstabbers as a result, and some even charged extra tax to gain a lil' compensation... if you catch my drift.  So, da gnats (Pharisees in this case), could not BELIEVE my man J was sitting with such rabble.  Then da Christ comes correct, "yo son, it is not da healthy who need a doc, but da sick playa.  Why don't you go chew on this: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'"  Got a nice ring to it eh?  Yo my man J straight doubled-up on these Pharisees with words from da scripture!  A scripture that these kats are supposed to be expert no less.  NIIIIICE.  But it is the following sentence I'd like to focus on this time around, "See, I have not come to call da rightehous, but sinners." 

That's right y'all, J was keepin' it real.  He was comin' not only to those who had need, but to those who stopped hiding behind their own veils and fessed up to realizing they are indeed in need.  See, Pops doesn't have time to patronize with thick headed, self-righteous, wannabes.  Naw low, Pops is a mover and shaker.  Homeboy is ready to embark on HUUUUGE activity.  And He will move IMMENSELY in those who have come face to face with reality. Peeps need to get a grip and shake of that pride filled sense of righteousness before reality comes hitting hard.  I don't undserstand why peeps reject the chance to roll tight with the being who created it all.  I mean COME ON!  Heh heh.  Now to those who have indeed come into righteousness through faith, these kats are straight partners with Pops.  These people also wine and dine with "sinners", cuz yo, what higher calling is there than to go and make disciples of all nations?  To go and reveal truth, and to show people the path to life, life abundant, and life everlasting?

Let's be honest with ourselves bruthaz and sistaz, keepin' it real day after day, realizing our need, and the needs of those around us.  No one is holier than though, and no one is righteous, no not even one.  It's only through Pops above that we can achieve a righteousness by faith, so that none may boast but all may bask in loving grace Pops showers on all who step forward and choose to accept and receive it.  All props to Pops peeps!


   - patrick

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Da Word... 184!


Wassup y'all?  How's it goin' how's it goin'?  I hope well.  Things here are churning along, you know how it is, uh huh!  Aight, on to... da Word!


Heal the sick who are there and tell them, "The kingdom of God is near you."
- da Christ (Luke 10:9)

My man J, at this point, is about to unleash a force of 72 amped and ready spiritual warrior peeps on a certain vicinity... to enter EVERY town and place homeboy was about to enter.  Matter of fact, he told these kats to head to these places two-by-two.  Yo I bet Satan was straight tremblin' in his boots potnas!  Why?  Cuz these kats were rollin' to these spots with power u could not imagine, power that caused demons to submit in J's name yo.  That is AWESOME.  But let's kick back to this verse right here.  Just note how J tells it like it is, "Yeah potnas, when u get to the spots, straight heal the sick. And tell those kats that da Kingdom of Pops is near them." 

Yo.... J said that like it was nuthin' potnas!  As if it were a common thing!  Yo, he said it as if healin' the sick was like breathing.  You know, nothing major, it's just breathing.  That is ILL!!!!  It's like healing the sick was the least of their worries!  I mean come on, if you had the power to heal the sick just as easily as you breathe, how awesome would that be?!?  Healin' the sick should be a PIECE of CAKE when Pops is pullin' the trigger potnas.  Why isn't it?  Cuz we lack belief!  It ain't Pops runnin' out of juice, it's us not stepping up to the plate and harnessin' that juice.  Why is it so hard to believe that Pops can heal the sick in the blink of an eye? 

It's kinda like when a doctor from a medically advanced nation goes to one not so advanced and straight rolls into a village and into a sick person's chamber.  The inhabitants there think this doc is beyond CRAZY!  Straight LOONY i tell ya! They believe he will die cuz all kats who have that sickness, or catch the sickness from hanging out with that kat, die.  But a few days or a week goes by.... lo' and behold this doc is neither sick nor dead!  And, even more astonishing, that sick kat has been HEALED!!!!   O.. my goodness!  The peeps are in shock and cannot believe it!  How is this accomplished?  Well, it's cuz the doctor is immunized and has got da stuff.   Potnas, Pops has got da stuff.... 


   - patrick

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Da Word... 183!

Good Evening!

Yup, I have missed the monday morning publishing TWO times in a row!  Alas, the plans of mice and men.... OOOO, can't wait for Spring!  Aight, on to... da Word!


And now it is because of my hope in what God has promised our fathers that I am on trial today.
- Paul (Acts 26:6)

Mmmmhmmmm!  Paul again, that's right!  This time Paul is on trial before King Agrippa.  Paul is just bouncing around from trial to trial potnas.  Tough road!  This verse says a great deal... the path we tread when we put our hope in what Pops above has promised ain't no walk in the park!  There will be PLENTY of people, objects, and circumstances that will try to topple you.  That's just how it is potnas.  I mean... they gave Jesus da Christ himself a hard time!  What makes us think we'll get out of it?  Naw lo, this road is a tough one, but one so worth any and all toil. 

There's a couple things we can take away from this.  One, God made a promise!   And yo, Pops does NOT go back on his word, no way.  Two, we can have assured hope, then, in what God has promised.  In other words, it ain't an empty hope, or a hope that might come true... it is a 100%, risk free, certain, on the spot, in yo' FACE, bonafide deal potnas!  You can't lose ;-D  HOLLA!  And what is this promise?  Well, that the messiah came son!  And that he died and rose!  Furthermore, that we too will rise to join Pops when the time for illest state of living is upon us!  We'll straight be rockin' da Holy Ghost boat potnas!  It will be beyond your wildest dreams.  And guess what, all of it makes take away 3 all worth it:  there will be trials on the way to the promised land. 

Potnas, we all know that anything worth its salt does not come easy.  And so it is walking the path.  But we have assurance, and we got Pops in our corner... so ROCK ON!!!!


   - patrick

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Da Word... 182!


Wassup peeps?  Spring is fast approaching.  The weather is getting NIIIICE!   MMMHMMM!  Listen y'all, a friend's dad recently passed away.  Offer up some prayers for this person and his family, that Pops above would bring them comfort and closure.  Aight, on to... da Word! 


Do not gloat when your enemy falls;  when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him.
- Proverbs 24:17,18

Proverbs is such an awesome book.  There is so much wisdom packed into those chapters and verses that it's overflowing potnas!  Let's check out the knowledge being dropped on us in these verses.  This is a tough to follow yo!  I mean, isn't it the case that we are always rejoicing or gloating when a punk gets his due?  ....ESPECIALLY if this individual wronged us personally?   Pops is saying to check that reaction at the door.  We should not be gloating or rejoicing over the destruction of any being. 

Why?  Think about.... you are gloating about the destruction of a life....... is that something to rejoice over?  The fact that this person probably is not even worth the dirt and grime he/she walks on does not diminish the fact that a life is being destroyed.   Why?  Because LIFE is precious.  Pops does not want us to rejoice over the destruction of life.  If we do, we are likely no different than that enemy who is receiving his due.  Instead, we should be happy and content in the knowledge that justice is being served (and no doubt, some deserve a SWIFT justice).  But let's not take it beyond that and start reveling in exaction of that justice.  We become sick individuals if we do! 

Pops is not in that kind of game.  Matter of fact, the Proverb says that Pops above will most DEFINITELY disapprove and even go so far as to turn his wrath from the kat who deserves it!  By reveling, you may ease or lesson the level of justice that kat would have received!   I bet that is NOT the thing you would have wanted.  Ain't that ironic?  Heh heh.  Let's have none o' that potnas!   Bruthaz and sistaz, let us not become in character and expression like those receiving the brunt of justice well deserved.  Let not our hearts become corrupt or jaded.


   - patrick

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Da Word... 181!

Good Evening Yo!

It is a chilly one, mmhmmmmm!!!!!   ELEVEN DEGREES!   And that's NOT including wind chill..... brrrrr!   You in the warm states, don't hog it all!  Come on now, share!  heh heh, aight, on to... da Word!


Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him.  But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
- John 12:42,43

Man, what chumps!  They can't even handle a little peer pressure.  SPINELESS!!!!  heh.  Granted, the kinda pressure they were surrounded by was HUGE.  But that is no excuse.  See, my man J had been on a miracle roll potnas.  I mean he was just ratta-tat-tattin' them bad boys out!  A miracle here, a miracle there, miracle, miracle, miracle!  It must have been ILL bruthaz and sistaz!  And wouldn't you know, there were still kats that would not believe him though they witnessed these events FIRST HAND!!!!  Never underestimate the power of ones desire.  You could prove something beyond the shadow of a doubt and yet still come face to face with a being who will choose to reject it.

So back to these leader kats who DID believe in him. These scrubs kept their faith secret.  Yo, these so-called "leaders" would not stand tall!  It was against the status quo to believe in this Jesus.  It was against the whole societal flow!  In other words, these guys did not have the umph to stand for what they believed.  That leads me to question the strength of their belief.  Granted, they might just have started believing.  In that case, standing up to the Pharisees would be tough.  But these kats were leaders.  They already know what it's like to be unpopular.  Why was this any different?  But what's worse, they place the love of praise from men HIGHER than praise from God!  How crazy does that sound!?

Bruthaz and sistaz, we gots to be willing to stand for that which we believe, otherwise we fail to have confidence in what we believe.  I mean, if we are not even willing to confess our faith because we are worried about what people will think or say, then what kind of faith do we have to begin with?  That kind of faith has no strength.  That kind of faith will lead a brutha or sista into some serious trouble.  That kind of faith will lead one to compromise truth for the sake of being liked.  If that is your truth, then your truth is meaningless.  Naw potnas, truth will stand of its own accord.  Present that truth, for that truth will defend itself and you can stand with a conscience that is clear.  Let us not love praise from men greater than praise from God. 


  - patrick

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Da Word... 180!

hey hey!

Yo the snow is hitting the northeast like CRAZY!  But at least now the flakes are big and puffy.  PLUS it's warming up!  Mid to high 30s, oh yeah!  heh heh.  OH, please drop some prayas for those traveling at this time during the snow.  Aight, on to.... da Word!


Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"
- Da Christ (John 11:40)

OH, da Christ himself speaketh!  This is the account where J raises Lazarus from the dead.  Yeah you read that right, mhmmm!  N e who, he is talking to Martha, the sister of Lazarus.  See, before homeboy dad, Martha and Mary (her sister) had contacted my man J saying Laz was very sick.  But J was like, "this sickness will not end him, but is there for God's glory."  And J stayed put right where he was for a couple more days!  That's right. And then, lo' and behold... Laz died!!!!  Then J was like, "oh, it's about time fellas, let's go wake up laz, he done fell asleep."   That's a lil' intro, peep da whole story in Luke 11. 

Now about the verse above.... J shows up, and da sistas are all kinds of sad.  J comforts them and asks that the tomb be opened (note that laz has already been dead for 4 days).  Martha is like, "yo, J, come on man... there is gonna be SOME odor if we roll that rock away."  And, bruthaz and sistaz, we come to the verse above.  J is about to do something HUGE... freakin' HUUUUGE potnas!  The lesson here is what J reminds them in verse 40: "if you believe, you will see the glory of God."

BAM potnas!  There it is!  You wanna see da glory of Pops in all its blazin' hotness?  Then believe!  Stop wastin' time wallowing on the ground in unbelief.  COME ON!  We don't have time for that garbage, there's da glory of Pops to be seen!  BELIEVE and you will see it!  GUARANTEED!  Do you realize some peeps are baskin' in da glory of Pops 24/7?  And what are you doin'?  Let's get a piece of that action!  Cuz yo, there ain't anything else like it.  Let us believe, and let us pray that Pops above help us with our unbelief.  For then, lo' and behold, the doors will burst wide open and you will see da glory of Pops shining in full brilliance.


   - patrick

Da Word... 180!

hey hey!

Yo the snow is hitting the northeast like CRAZY!  But at least now the flakes are big and puffy.  PLUS it's warming up!  Mid to high 30s, oh yeah!  heh heh.  OH, please drop some prayas for those traveling at this time during the snow.  Aight, on to.... da Word!


Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"
- Da Christ (John 11:40)

OH, da Christ himself speaketh!  This is the account where J raises Lazarus from the dead.  Yeah you read that right, mhmmm!  N e who, he is talking to Martha, the sister of Lazarus.  See, before homeboy dad, Martha and Mary (her sister) had contacted my man J saying Laz was very sick.  But J was like, "this sickness will not end him, but is there for God's glory."  And J stayed put right where he was for a couple more days!  That's right. And then, lo' and behold... Laz died!!!!  Then J was like, "oh, it's about time fellas, let's go wake up laz, he done fell asleep."   That's a lil' intro, peep da whole story in Luke 11. 

Now about the verse above.... J shows up, and da sistas are all kinds of sad.  J comforts them and asks that the tomb be opened (note that laz has already been dead for 4 days).  Martha is like, "yo, J, come on man... there is gonna be SOME odor if we roll that rock away."  And, bruthaz and sistaz, we come to the verse above.  J is about to do something HUGE... freakin' HUUUUGE potnas!  The lesson here is what J reminds them in verse 40: "if you believe, you will see the glory of God."

BAM potnas!  There it is!  You wanna see da glory of Pops in all its blazin' hotness?  Then believe!  Stop wastin' time wallowing on the ground in unbelief.  COME ON!  We don't have time for that garbage, there's da glory of Pops to be seen!  BELIEVE and you will see it!  GUARANTEED!  Do you realize some peeps are baskin' in da glory of Pops 24/7?  And what are you doin'?  Let's get a piece of that action!  Cuz yo, there ain't anything else like it.  Let us believe, and let us pray that Pops above help us with our unbelief.  For then, lo' and behold, the doors will burst wide open and you will see da glory of Pops shining in full brilliance.


   - patrick

Monday, February 26, 2007

Da Word... 180!

hey hey!

Yo the snow is hitting the northeast like CRAZY!  But at least now the flakes are big and puffy.  PLUS it's warming up!  Mid to high 30s, oh yeah!  heh heh.  OH, please drop some prayas for those traveling at this time during the snow.  Aight, on to.... da Word!


Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"
- Da Christ (John 11:40)

OH, da Christ himself speaketh!  This is the account where J raises Lazarus from the dead.  Yeah you read that right, mhmmm!  N e who, he is talking to Martha, the sister of Lazarus.  See, before homeboy dad, Martha and Mary (her sister) had contacted my man J saying Laz was very sick.  But J was like, "this sickness will not end him, but is there for God's glory."  And J stayed put right where he was for a couple more days!  That's right. And then, lo' and behold... Laz died!!!!  Then J was like, "oh, it's about time fellas, let's go wake up laz, he done fell asleep."   That's a lil' intro, peep da whole story in Luke 11. 

Now about the verse above.... J shows up, and da sistas are all kinds of sad.  J comforts them and asks that the tomb be opened (note that laz has already been dead for 4 days).  Martha is like, "yo, J, come on man... there is gonna be SOME odor if we roll that rock away."  And, bruthaz and sistaz, we come to the verse above.  J is about to do something HUGE... freakin' HUUUUGE potnas!  The lesson here is what J reminds them in verse 40: "if you believe, you will see the glory of God."

BAM potnas!  There it is!  You wanna see da glory of Pops in all its blazin' hotness?  Then believe!  Stop wastin' time wallowing on the ground in unbelief.  COME ON!  We don't have time for that garbage, there's da glory of Pops to be seen!  BELIEVE and you will see it!  GUARANTEED!  Do you realize some peeps are baskin' in da glory of Pops 24/7?  And what are you doin'?  Let's get a piece of that action!  Cuz yo, there ain't anything else like it.  Let us believe, and let us pray that Pops above help us with our unbelief.  For then, lo' and behold, the doors will burst wide open and you will see da glory of Pops shining in full brilliance.


   - patrick

Monday, February 19, 2007

Da Word... 179!

Good Morning!

How are on this President's Day?  Got the day off?   Hopes so!  Things here are going well, but today is gonna be a busy day.  Aight, on to... da Word!


Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you -- guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
- Paul (2 Timothy 1:14)

Oh yeah!  Holy Spirit yo!  Checkit, Paul is writing to Timothy here.  Paul has dropped so much knowledge on this kat, it is AWESOME.  PEEP first and second Timothy; there is a BEVY of good info in those books.  N e who, Paul tells Timothy to guard da knowledge that he has been given.  What is he talking about?  The GOOD NEWS potnas!  Da word o' God and the understanding of the word o' God!  The knowledge and wisdom about living da truth and teaching the truth.  The very key to reaching the height of life.  WORD! 

Now, this all comes from Pops above, so this knowledge is da ultimate bomb diggity, mmhmmmm!   And because it is so powerful, important, and holy, we gots ta guard it yo!  But how can we guard something so bigger than us?  Da HOLY SPIRIT!  Now this is some good news yo.  Da Holy Spirit of God will help us!  Not only that, da Holy Spirit already dwells within us who are straight rollin' with Pops above!  That's right.  Have you READ the kinda stuff the Holy Spirit enabled peeps in da Bible to do?  MAN!!!!  Holy Spirit power is WOW!  And we've got access to that.  There is no way that we can't guard the good deposit if da Holy Spirit is up in there with us.  We are set bruthaz and sistaz!

So, guard that good deposit and let it not be corrupted.  For that good deposit has the power to change lives in magnificent ways.  Roll with the Holy Spirit!  He's there to help you out!  To reveal even greater truth to you, to give you a greater depth of understanding, to encourage you, and to remind you of the straight awesome position you are in due to your relationship with the one true God.  WORD!


   - patrick

Monday, February 12, 2007

Da Word... 178!


What's UUUUUP! What's new?  Things here are well.  I'm trying a new thing!  I'm gonna pre-write these things on Sunday night... so that I send 'em bright and early in the mornings!  That way I can better maintain consistency and not throw you all for a loop wondering, "Hmm, that crazy pat, you never know what day or hour he's gonna send that thing."  I'll leave the hidden day and hour thing to Pops and the return of da Christ ;)  Aight, on to... da Word!


Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.
- Proverbs 3:27

Tru!  That's a good word yo.  I don't know why it happens, but for some reason we tend to withhold good from those who deserve it!  Why is that?  It's so counter that it's straight ludicrous potnas!  If someone deserves good, we should be pouring it on bruthaz and sistaz!  Instead, we are quick to simply say, "Oh s/he is great!", and do nothing else.  And we then grow an unfair expectation that s/he will continue to be great. 

Now, while this person is off being great, s/he rarely reaps an equal or satisfactory acknowledgment of their efforts.  But MAN are we swift to unleash all manner of attention and desolation (strong word, but bear with me) on a kat who "deserves" bad.  Why are we spending so much time on bad kats, and not nearly as much on those deserving good.  If it is in our power, yo, we should be bestowing good on those who deserve it!  Not only is it right (duh!) but it will inspire that kat to continue that way (usually this kind of person has a character that would continue regardless, but it's the principle). 

Not withholding good will, in turn, inspire others to do the same because no longer will it be true that, for the most part, being selfless and doing all those extra things will go unnoticed.  And maybe, just maybe, people will start to do things deserving of good not for the rewards, but just because it is the bigger thing to do.  A change of character will occur and peeps will rise above the status quo.  So, if it is in our power, let us do good to those who deserve it in all walks of life from the workplace to the family place.  Leaders, managers, and owners take note as well, do good to those who deserve it for the impact and the return will be immeasurable.

Aight y'all!  PEACE!


  - patrick

Monday, February 05, 2007

Da Word... 177!

Good Evening!

Yo, it is COOOOOLD!!!!!   That wind is biting!!!!   Alas, la vie!  heh heh.  I hope some of you out there are enjoying some awesome weather!  If I imagine so, then I can feel it too, tru!   Aight, on to... da Word!


Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint.
- Proverbs 23:4

BAM!  That is some knowledge right there!  Believe you me!  MMHMMM!  This is good advice!  You figure this would be common sense, but once money gets into the picture.... yooooo sense gets kicked to the curb and greed takes over.  We really gotta watch out, especially today.  Do you know how many get rich quick schemes there are out there?  Everyone wants to get rich!  But I bet you not everyone knows why.  Some peeps don't even realize all the other responsibilities that come into play when one does become rich.  Nothing is a walk in the park.

But why is this good advice?  For one, you may never get rich.  If that is the case, potna you just wasted away your life wearing yourself out trying to get rich.  Wouldn't that suck?  I mean, you can't get that time back.  Once times passes by, it's gone.  Now say you do get rich, but yo you wore yourself out doing it.  Will there be anyone else in your life that is actually important to you to share it with?  In all likelihood, the time you took to wear yourself out becoming rich was time you stole away from growing and nurturing those true, lifetime friendships.  So you're rich, but you're alone, and all of your "new" friends aren't even friends at all.

Or check this, you wear yourself out getting rich... and BAM, a natural disaster hits and washes it all away.  You done spent a LIFETIME building up wealth, ground yourself to the core, pushed many a person away, neglected even your own health..... and just like that, it's gone.  Wouldn't that be a shame?  A life... completely wasted chasing material things?  That which is material will not last, nor will it ever satisfy the deep things of our beings. Let's rep the proverb potnas.  Let us have the wisdom to show restraint.  There has to be a balance and a proper perspective.  The lives around us, especially those close to us, are ever more important than riches and material wealth.  Let's not forget that and instead hold true towards practicing restraint.


   - patrick

Monday, January 29, 2007

Da Word... 176!

Goooooood Evening!

It's a little chilly outside.... and windy, ooooooo.  Heh heh, guess winter is finally hitting.  Supposedly it's not going to hit 30 this week up here in Boston.... hmmmmmmm....... HOT CHOCOLATE TIME!!!  Aight, on to... da Word! 


Why not?  Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works...
- Paul (Romans 9:32)

Awwwww YEAH!   Paul is back!  In these chapters, Paul drops sooooo much knowledge... yo, you can spend WEEKS on it and STILL not get all the knowledge seeping from these words.  So, let's chew on the little bit in the verse above fo' a minute.  A lil' background, new testament badmamajamma Paul is lamenting the hardened hearts of his own people (the Jews) while teaching some serious lessons in the process.  In the verses previous, he hints that Gentiles (non-Jews) have obtained righteousness but the Jews have not, and this right here is the reason why.

Paul states that his peeps were pursuing a law of righteousness.... and so they missed it yo!  Paul is like, "potnas, it ain't by works!  it is by faith that righteousness can be attained by the likes of us!"  Yo, there ain't no way we can earn righteousness.  The minute we think we can earn it, a whole SLEW of evil can creep in:  jealousy, pride, arrogance, anger, conceit, deception...... endless list yo.  We start to rely upon ourselves rather than the infinite source of righteousness that is Pops above!   Naw bruthaz and sistaz, we can't attain righteousness by our own hands, by our own works.  It is only by faith that we can attain it.  Why?  Cuz we stop being absorbed by our own selves and we begin to attain the mind and manner of Pops above.

It's important to note, this idea of faith being the way and not works is repeated a ton throughout da word yo.  Usually repetition indicates something mad important.  That's not to say, "don't bother with works kid, it'll give ya no play."  No, quite the opposite brethren and sistren.  It IS to say that works will follow automatically when we pursue a righteousness that is by faith.  BAM!  Don't you see?  We are changed from within and it overflows out.

Aight, gotta bounce.  PeACE!


   - patrick

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Da Word... 175!

Gooooood EVENING!

What's up y'all!  How ya livin'!  Yo, yesterday it snowed so much that the snow actually stayed on the ground!  That said, it still wasn't that much snow... but still!  It's the principle!  My knee is doing very well by the way. The recovery process is moving along smoothly.  Thanks for the prayas!  Keep  'em comin ;)  Aight, on to... da Word!


The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."  Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
- Luke 10:37

Tru!  This is from the parable of the Good Samaritan.  If you haven't heard that one, peep Luke 10:25-37.  That right there is a good parable.  Shoot what am I sayin', ALL these parables are da bomb son!  Read them bad boys, study them, and live the truth they teach.  Speakin' of truth... peep what my man J said to this expert in the law at the end there.   J said, "Go and do likewise."  Now the whole lesson about the Good Samaritan is to reveal a portion of what it means to love your neighbor as yourself.  But I wanted to focus on this "go and do" bit.

I don't know if you noticed but, J taught MAD lessons, heh heh ;)  But he didn't just drop da knowledge, homeboy urged peeps to go and apply that knowledge!  He didn't want these peeps to just sit and soak in the lap of truth.  Naw potnas!  If we merely sit and eat and eat, we'll become so gluttonously fat on this succulent truth that the stuff will be oozing from our pores.... naaaaaaaaasty.  A sad and sorry sight if you ask me.  No no no NO!  He wants us to act on this truth!  He wants us to go and do, that is to eat and to work out.  Put all that truth to work in a powerful and productive way in your life and in the lives of those around you.  For what purpose is it to simply amass truth and never utilize it, other than to waste the precious few moments of ones existence?

Potnas, when we learn truth, especially the oh so powerful truths from Pops above, let us not only make it a part of us, but let us also transform that truth into action.  For it is through action that commitments are made true change takes hold.


  - patrick